Girly vacation in Goa

My best friend and me were on our regular Saturday phone call. 15 minutes into the call and we both were certain we had to do something to keep the boredom in life at bay. Then came this plan of executing our long planned holiday plan. Goa was our choice. “Wow, sun kissed beaches, old temples, beautiful churches.. It ll be an awesome girly vacation”, we fantasized.

But when we informed(asked for consent to be appropriate) our parents about it, the first reaction was “Goa? only two of you girls?? Have you gone mad???”. Then came 100s of examples derived from newspaper articles, magazine cover stories, rumors from reliable sources to prove why our plan of going to Goa was terrible. But people, WE ARE SMART GIRLS B-) . We managed to convince them with “We are really bored in life, we need this vacation to be alive and happy”, “Sneha’s classmate lives there, Amma! And we have that aunt’s first daughter living in there.. remember? We’ll be fine”, “Please please please, wont you give me 3 days out of my own life?!”.. effect of watching too many bollywood movies, may be. In our hearts, we knew its kind of risky for us to manage in Goa alone. However, we really needed a break from routine to relax and feel good.

Sneha came home and picked me up on that Sunday. We were to head to her place, Belgaum, first. That evening we shopped though we needed “absolutely nothing new” for that vacation. “Come on, We are going on a vacation! How pretty would those pink shoes look? And that cool black and white stole, made for Goa” –  we thought.

The next day, after 3.5 hrs and innumerable irritations about the winding roads, we arrived in Goa. The flavor of the day was Calangute beach; beautiful, safe. Considering non-alcoholic, pure vegetarian, non party-freak style of ours, the Goa streets seemed slightly odd to us. With God’s grace, we found a BR store near our resort.. now thats what i call indulgence!

Here is a slideshow of some of our pics

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On the second day, we went for sight seeing in South Goa. Colossal churches, stunning temples and bewitching beaches marked our day. We adored Dona Paula for its scenic beauty and Colva beach for its fine sand. I am mesmerized by the infinity the sea represents.. makes me feel boundless, makes me feel that i stand for all the wonderful things in the universe!  😉 We also enjoyed at the evening cruse on Mandovi.

Third day morning was the most memorable. We went to Calangute beach early in the morning and played on the sea shore to our heart’s content. Later in the day, we bought gifts for mom, dad, sis, bro and friends. Rains slashed our plans of visiting more beaches, though we enjoyed the rains. We bid Good Bye to Goa and left for Belgaum in the evening, gathering memories of friendship for a lifetime.

Yes, it was an awesome Girly Vacation as planned 🙂